Tuesday 25 October 2011

outfit of the day 24th october 2011

top: primark 
cardigan: gap
jeans: american eagle 
shoes: tory burch 
bag: gucci 

top : primark 
cardigan: American Eagle 
jeans: bershka
shoes: dune
bag: mulberry 

top : newlook
belt: primark
jeggings: newlook
shoes: zara
bag: mulberry 


  1. zara u look stuuning so do ur cousins. luv the look. i luv your top zara.

  2. awww thankyou from Zara
    sophia and zaina said thanks too <3 x

  3. ive gotta say i normally luv wht zaina looks like but im not impressed with wht shez wearing as 4 zara she always looks amazin and also sophia. xxxx
    dont get me wrong thou i luv what u norm wear zaina but not that good on this day. xx

  4. wher did u go this day? xxx

  5. Oh thanks darlin, oh sorry about that ill tell her and hopefully we will be able to please you with her next outfit of the day.

    We went out to London for the day xx
