Meet T3E

The lastest bloggers in the UK WOOP! Zaina, Zara and Sophia :) 3eyes are here to keep you updated on the news trends and the celebrity fashion world. The new bloggers will make sure you updated with press, look of the days, vlogs(video diaries) and Hair and Makeup. A bit of a change, will be doing post on anything new thing that are not related to fashion so we can keep the boys updated to.

Hope all our amazing viewers enjoy getting updated if any suggestion do comment or email us at and we will get back to you.

If you would like to advertise your brand on T3E you could email us on the address given above. 


  1. WOW amazin collage of 3 bootifal girlz. u look gr8 in all ur pics xxxxx

  2. yew butterz chickss ;-)
    jelll :(

  3. Just saw this as one of you girls are on my twitter.

    This is actually pretty sick to be honest, loving the stuff thats coming...

    Why don't you guys start advertising this blog to friends, family and artists so that more people can see it? - I don't think there's enough recognition to this blog and there should be more! - But yeah i think i could get you guys hooked up with a best friend of mine who has his own business in hemel he's a promoter so we could use your designs as part of shoots...

    Can't promise anything now but keep it up and i'll show let you guys know! oh and by the way your guys are stunning!

    Keep it up x
