Thursday 2 February 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Essa!!

Its was our baby cousins 1st birthday yesterday and as we love him soo much we decided to keep charge of the cakes how amazing do they look and they are honestly taste amazing. This was meant to be published yesterday but as most of our readers know we have very limited internet. Anyhow HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!


  1. isnt this supposed to be a fashion blog

  2. Yes it is a fashion blog, we thought the cakes were very pretty and wanted to share them x

  3. aww bless i wasnt being sarcastic btw just wannid to know xxx like ur blog btw its amazing, i knw you must get angry when ppl always ask you when ur going to do a outfit of the day all together coz to be honest i really miss how it used to be. douget me like last october and november when all three of you did outfits of the days all together and i used to love it...and also u r all stunning so you shouldnt do them poses just showing ur outfit it looks soo nice showing you whole face. just my opinion thou xxxx
