Tuesday 20 March 2012

Recent Buys - Getting Ready For Summer!

I have recently been obsessing over yellow heels but wasn't very sure about actually buying them until I saw them in the sale yesterday for £8 which is a pretty good price as they were around £25.

High Waisted Jeans
I posted just a few days ago about if I should get printed or high wasted jeans and to be honest I did like a few printed ones but there is a higher possibility of me wearing these compared to the printed ones.

Coral Orange Chiffon Dip Hem Skirt

Shantoon Mix Tank Top

Posted By Sophia


  1. proud pakistani22 March 2012 at 12:29

    OMG seriosuly why on earth are you picking on sophia, and why write vile things onher blog. why cant you just say it to her face.

    sophia ignor these imature people. lovely collection by the way xxx :P

  2. Dear anon 1 how would you like it if. You got rude messages like this ? Your pathetic really ever heard of if you can't say. Anything nice don't say anything at all ? So dear anon why don't you get off the computer stop the hate and let Sophie be ,

    Sophie don't mind these people as they seek to be like you , you have something they'll never have , they're simply jealous and everytime someone tries to put you down remember that for your truly beautiful c: -Abeeha

  3. So what does she have that others don't fake designer or a ugly face get a life you and if she wants to reply. Then she will so get lost okay....
